- Radio frequency power amplifier and corresponding method, Martin Snelgrove, K. Mekechuk, D. Kelly and R. Wilson, US Patent 7352237, April 1 2008
- Complex filtering/AGC radio receiver architecture for low-IF or zero-IF, Neil Birkett, James Cherry, Martin Snelgrove and F. Balteanu, US Patent 6977976, European Patent EP 1230738, December 20 2005
- Signal Processor for Reducing Undesirable Signal Content, Li Yu and Martin Snelgrove, US Patent 6804359; Canadian Patent 2244446, October 12 2004
- On the design of a fourth-order continuous-time LC Δ Σ modulator for UHF A/D conversion, James A. Cherry, Martin Snelgrove and Weinan Gao, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II, June 2000
- A novel adaptive mismatch cancellation system for quadrature IF radio receivers, Li Yu and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II , June 1999
- A low power Σ Δ analog-to-digital modulator with 50MHz sampling rate in a μm SOI CMOS technology,Ashok Swaminathan, N. Fong, Philip Lauzon, Hong Kui Yang, Michael Maliepaard and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International SOI Conference, 1999
- A 4 GHz fourth-order SiGe HBT band pass Δ Σ modulator, Weinan Gao, James Cherry and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Circuits , May 1998
- A 950-MHz IF second-order integrated LC bandpass delta-sigma modulator, W. Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits , May 1998
- A linear integrated LC bandpass filter with Q-enhancement, W. Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II : Express Briefs, May 1998
- A 160-MHz fourth-order double-sampled SC bandpass sigma-delta modulator, Seyfi Bazarjani and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II , May 1998
- A novel adaptive mismatch cancellation system for quadrature IF radio receivers, Li Yu, Carleton University, 1998
- A 950MHz Second-order Integrated LC Bandpass ΔΣ Modulator, W. Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Circuits , 1997
- A linear active Q-enhanced monolithic LC filter, W. Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , 1997
- A 40MHz IF fourth-order double-sampled SC bandpass Modulator, Seyfi Bazarjani and Martin Snelgrove,IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , June 10-12 1997
- Design and implementation of a tunable 40 MHz-70 MHz Gm-C bandpass ΔΣ modulator, Omid Shoaei and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II , July 1997
- A single-IF receiver architecture using a complex sigma-delta modulator, Ashok Swaminathan, Carleton University, 1997
- A 5-GHz SiGe HBT return-to-zero comparator for RF A/D conversion, W. Gao, Martin Snelgrove and S.J. Kovacic, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits , October 1996
- A wide-range tunable 25 MHz-110 MHz BiCMOS continuous-time filter, Omid Shoaei and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , May 12-15 1996
- A monolithic complex sigma-delta modulator for digital radio, Ashok Swaminathan, Martin Snelgrove, Steven Jantzi and Seyfi Bazarjani, IEEE-CAS Region 8 Workshop, Pavia, Italy, Sep 13-14 1996
- A 5-GHz SiGe HBT return-to-zero comparator, W. Gao, Martin Snelgrove, T. Varelas, S.J. Kovacic and D.L. Harame, Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 1995., Proceedings of the 1995, 1995
- Switched-capacitor bandpass delta-sigma A/D modulation at 10.7 MHz, F.W. Singor and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits , March 1995
- A/D Architectures for Wireless, Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Solid-State Circuits and Technology Committee Workshop on Design Challenges for Wireless ICs, Toronto, Aug 25 1994
- Distortion analysis of weakly nonlinear filters using Volterra series, James A. Cherry, Carleton University,1994
- High-frequency bandpass delta-sigma analog-to-digital conversion, Frank W. Singor, University of Toronto, 1994
- 10.7 MHz bandpass sigma-delta A/D modulators, Frank Singor and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference , May 1-4 1994
- A 4.5 octave tunable BiCMOS biquad at VHF to demonstrate an adaptive analog pulse-shaping filter,Ayal Shoval, Martin Snelgrove and David A. Johns, CMC Workshop, Queens University, Kingston, May 1993
- A balanced 0.9-μm CMOS transconductance-C filter tunable over the VHF range, Martin Snelgrove and Ayal Shoval, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits , March 1992
- A bandpass Σ Δ convertor for a digital AM receiver, Steven Jantzi, Richard Schreier and Martin Snelgrove,International Conference A/D and D/A Conversion, Swansea, Sep 1991
- A CMOS biquad at VHF, Martin Snelgrove and Ayal Shoval, Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 1991., Proceedings of the IEEE 1991, May 13 1991
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