- Systems and methods for creating complex poles, James A. Bailey, Michael E. Butenhoff, Raymond Chik, Angus McLaren and Martin Snelgrove, US Patent 7196573, March 27 2007
- Complex filtering/AGC radio receiver architecture for low-IF or zero-IF, Neil Birkett, James Cherry, Martin Snelgrove and F. Balteanu, US Patent 6977976, European Patent EP 1230738, December 20 2005
- Method and apparatus for minimizing mismatch in a complex filter, Ashok Swaminathan, E.W. MacRobbie and Martin Snelgrove, US Patent 6329939, Canadian Patent 2262209, December 11 2001
- A novel adaptive mismatch cancellation system for quadrature IF radio receivers, Li Yu and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II , June 1999
- A 300Mb/s BiCMOS Disk-Drive Channel with Adaptive Analog Equalizer, A. Bishop, I. Chan, S. Aronson, P. Moran, K. Han, R. Cheng, K. Fitzpatrick, J. Stander, R. Chik, K. Kshonze, M. Aliahmad, J. Ngai, H. He, E. daVeiga, P. Bolte, C. Krasuk, B. Cerqua, R. Brown, P. Ziperovich and K. Fisher, International Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1999
- A linear integrated LC bandpass filter with Q-enhancement, W. Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II : Express Briefs, May 1998
- A novel adaptive mismatch cancellation system for quadrature IF radio receivers, Li Yu, Carleton University, 1998
- On the characterization and reduction of distortion in bandpass filters, James Cherry and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I , May 1998
- A linear active Q-enhanced monolithic LC filter, W. Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , 1997
- Mismatch cancellation for complex bandpass sigma-delta modulators, Li Yu and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , 1997
- A single-IF receiver architecture using a complex sigma-delta modulator, Ashok Swaminathan, Carleton University, 1997
- A wide-range tunable 25 MHz-110 MHz BiCMOS continuous-time filter, Omid Shoaei and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , May 12-15 1996
- A monolithic complex sigma-delta modulator for digital radio, Ashok Swaminathan, Martin Snelgrove, Steven Jantzi and Seyfi Bazarjani, IEEE-CAS Region 8 Workshop, Pavia, Italy, Sep 13-14 1996
- Analog filter banks with low intermodulation distortion, James Cherry and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , April 1995
- A 100 Mb/s BiCMOS adaptive pulse-shaping filter, Ayal Shoval, Martin Snelgrove and David A. Johns, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, December 1995
- Analog adaptive filtering techniques for high-speed data communications, Ayal Shoval, University of Toronto, 1995
- A complex bandpass converter for digital radio, Steve Jantzi, K. Martin, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra,IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , May 30-Jun 2 1994
- Distortion analysis of weakly nonlinear filters using Volterra series, James A. Cherry, Carleton University,1994
- Adaptive nonlinear recursive state-space filters, F.X.Y. Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II [Express Briefs], November 1994
- A 4.5 octave tunable BiCMOS biquad at VHF to demonstrate an adaptive analog pulse-shaping filter,Ayal Shoval, Martin Snelgrove and David A. Johns, CMC Workshop, Queens University, Kingston, May 1993
- Wide-range tunable BiCMOS transconductor, Ayal Shoval, David A. Johns and Martin Snelgrove,Microelectronics Journal, 1993
- Adaptive linearization of a loudspeaker, Xiang Yang Gao and Martin Snelgrove, Audio Engineering Society Convention, Oct 1-4 1992
- An adaptive backpropagation cascade IIR filter, Xiang Yang Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II , September 1992
- Adaptive linear and nonlinear filters, Xiang Yang Gao, University of Toronto, 1992
- A balanced 0.9-μm CMOS transconductance-C filter tunable over the VHF range, Martin Snelgrove and Ayal Shoval, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits , March 1992
- FiltorX: computer-aided filter design and industry, Chris Ouslis, Simon Good, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, Canadian Conference on VLSI, Oct 18-20 1992
- Multirate switched-capacitor filter design: filtorX in action, Chris Ouslis, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , May 10-13 1992
- A wide-range tunable BiCMOS transconductor, Ayal Shoval and Martin Snelgrove, CCVLSI, Oct 18-201992
- Adaptive linearization of a loudspeaker, Xiang Yang Gao and Martin Snelgrove, iIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systemssp , May 14-17 1991
- An efficient adaptive cascade IIR filter, Xiang Yang Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , June 11-14 1991
- A CMOS biquad at VHF, Martin Snelgrove and Ayal Shoval, Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 1991., Proceedings of the IEEE 1991, May 13 1991
- Continuous-time LMS adaptive recursive filters, David A. Johns, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 1991
- A filter designer's filter design aid: filtorX, Chris Ouslis, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , Jun 11-14 1991
- Median-based offset cancellation circuits for intgrated analog filters, Ayal Shoval, University of Toronto,1991
- Adaptive linearization schemes for weakly nonlinear systems using adaptive linear and nonlinear FIR filters, Xiang Yang Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems , August1990
- Adaptive nonlinear state-space filters, Xiang Yang Gao and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , May 1990
- Decimation for bandpass sigma-delta analog-to-digital conversion, Richard Schreier and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , May 1990
- Performance improvements for fine-tuned adaptive recursive filters, David A. Johns, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , May 1990
- Adaptive recursive state-space filters using a gradient-based algorithm, David A. Johns, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 1990
- FiltorX: An Interactive Design Language for Filters, C. Ouslis, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, Advances in Electrical Engineering Software, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Electrical Engineering Analysis and Design, Aug 1990
- Introduction to VLSI design automation, Silicon Compiler Technology for SC Filters, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990
- Nonlinear IIR adaptive filtering using a bilinear structure, X.Y. Gao, Martin Snelgrove and David A. Johns,IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 1989
- DC offsets in analogue adaptive IIR filters, David A. Johns, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Sep 1989
- Orthonormal ladder filters, David A. Johns, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 1989
- Continuous-time analog adaptive recursive filters, David A. Johns, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 1989
- Nonideal effects in continuous-time adaptive recursive filters, David A. Johns, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems , 1989
- Analog and digital state-space adaptive IIR filters, David A. Johns, University of Toronto, 1989
- Silicon compilation of switched-C filters, Martin Snelgrove, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems Workshop on Expert System Tools for Analog Signal Processing, June 1988
- On transconductance-C filters, Jeffrey Culbert, University of Toronto, 1988
- State-space adaptive recursive filters, David A. Johns, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Jun 1988
- SC circuit simulations of state-space formulations derived from LC ladder network prototypes, Gordon W. Roberts, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ,May 1987
- Switched-capacitor realization of Nth-order transfer function using a single multiplexed op-amp,Gordon Roberts, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 1987
- SiCOMP: a silicon compiler for switched-capacitor filters, George V. Eaton, David G. Nairn, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , May 1987
- Matrix switched-capacitor filters, Edward Nowicki, University of Toronto, 1987
- Circuit and layout of a state-multiplexed switched-capacitor filter, E.P. Nowicki, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, Canadian Conference on VLSI , October 25-27 1987
- Graphical CAD of digital filters, David R. Galloway, David R. Blythe and Martin Snelgrove, IEEE Pacific Rim Conference, Victoria, B.C., Jun 1987
- Complex-valued phase-locked loops, Robert P. Bicevskis, University of Toronto, 1986
- Synthesis and analysis of state-space active filters using intermediate transfer functions, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems , Guillemin-Cauer best paper award, 1986), March 1986
- A continuous-time 5-MHz biquad filter in BNR CMOS-1B, J.J. Culbert and Martin Snelgrove, Canadian Conference on VLSI , October 27-28 1986
- Switched-capacitor state-space filters using intermediate-function synthesis, Gordon W. Roberts, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , May 5-7 1986
- SiCOMP: a silicon compiler for switched-capacitor filters, George V. Eaton, David G. Nairn, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, CCVLSI, October 27-28 1986
- Transfer function design, Richard Schreier, University of Toronto, 1985
- Complex analog filters obtained from shifted lowpass prototypes, Raymond H. Allen, University of Toronto, 1985
- Switched-capacitor complex filters, Qinqli Liu, University of Toronto, 1985
- Switched-capacitor realization of an Nth-order transfer function using a multiplexed op-amp, Gordon W. Roberts, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems , August1985
- Switched-capacitor state-space filters, Gordon W. Roberts, University of Toronto, 1985
- Intermediate-function synthesis, Martin Snelgrove, National Library of Canada, University of Toronto, 1982
- State-space synthesis of complex analog filters, Martin Snelgrove and Adel Sedra, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Den Haag, Aug 1981
- Complex analog filters, Martin Snelgrove, Adel S. Sedra, Gordon Lang and Peter O. Brackett, 1981
- On State-variable biquads with optimum integrator sensitivities, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, IEE Proceedings G. Electronic Circuits and Systems, Aug 1981
- FILTOR2--A Computer-Aided Filter Design Package, Martin Snelgrove, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, 1981
- A novel synthesis method for state-space active networks, Martin Snelgrove and Adel S. Sedra, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems , August 1980
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